Chinese Linkwords

Remember words by linking their very pronunciation.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Seat - In Your Way

Imagine if everytime you want to find your seat, someone come in your way!

English word : seat
Chinese pronunciation : wei4


Blogger Matt said...

I've just discovered the whole 'linkword' thing, and it's great except for chinese we need to remember tones as well, which got me thinking. The link words/ phrases could be altered to include a number that defines the tone. Example, for wei4, you could alter the link about someone getting in your way everytime you wanted a seat to being 4 people getting in your way. For the word 'xing1' for stars, it could be that there was only 1 star in the sky that made you so happy you wanted to sing. Just a thought.

Monday, June 30, 2008 1:01:00 PM


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