Chinese Linkwords

Remember words by linking their very pronunciation.
Would you like to know what all this "Linkwords" and "Word Relation Learning" is about? Find out, click here.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Every - Every Day Is May-Day

Imagine how it would be if every-day was may-day!

English word : Every
Chinese pronunciation : Mei3 (like "may")

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Acid - Stolen Link Word

I must admit that this first example is stolen.. But I believe my friend who came up with it will forgive me, so I'll post it anyway. I start out with this one, as it is kind of humoristic :o)

Again, if you don't know what this is all about - visit Chinese Linkwords to read more.

Into a lake of Acid went an ugly swan.

The Chinese word for acid is suan1.

What "Linkwords" Is All About

What are these Linkwords all about?

Well, to make it short, it is about remembering new words in another language extremely fast. That's it, it is that simple.

How effective is it?

If you do it the right way, you will be able to learn a hundred new words a day. And it will cost you nothing but 20 seconds per word!

How does it work?

Of course there are a few tricks you need to know for it to work. Actually there are several things you need to do. These things are very simple though. Check out Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation Linkwords, read about how to do it, and get back here to try out the examples in the blog.

Please Note

For my own selfish convenience, I will not post the Chinese characters here on this blog. I just don't know any easy way of inputting chinese characters that will be readable to everyone. So when I write a "Chinese word" I will only write it in the simplest form of pinyin - which is the letters without the tone mark, but with a number (1-5) representing the tone.

I personally pay a lot of attention to the tones, and do not want any of my website visitors to blame me for having wrong tones or pronunciation. What I will do to avoid it, is to encourage you to get your hands on some kind of pronunciation learning tool. Of course my heaviest suggestion is the Standard Mandarin software, developed by Yours Truly.

At least I am honest :o)

Opening Welcome!

It is my pleasure to welcome you on my brand new blog! This is actually my very first time to write such a post.

This blog is devoted to remembering Chinese words, and how to pronounce Mandarin. Though there may appear a few related links or posts at times. Consider it a bonus! :o)

I will close this first post of mine and get on with the second one, containing my first really valuable content... At least I believe it is of value to any students of Chinese language.

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