Chinese Linkwords

Remember words by linking their very pronunciation.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kick - Tea

Imagine if you would be kicked for drinking tea (ti2)!

English word : Kick, to
Chinese pronunciation : ti2

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Have, to - Yo!

Imagine that everytime you ask somebody whether they have a certain thing, they reply "yo!"

English word : have, to
Chinese pronunciation : you3

That is actually how the chinese would often respond in Chinese. When you ask a question like:
"ni3 you3 qi4che1 ma?"
A valid reply-sentence could then be:
Which literally means "have".

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stars - That Make You Sing

Imagine if everytime you see a star you hear also someone sing!

English word : Star
Chinese pronunciation : xing1

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Seat - In Your Way

Imagine if everytime you want to find your seat, someone come in your way!

English word : seat
Chinese pronunciation : wei4

Monday, July 17, 2006

Wrap Up And Bow Down

Imagine if every package you wrap up, makes people bow down!

English word : wrap, to / a package, bag
Chinese pronunciation : bao1

Friday, July 14, 2006

Compare - Bees!

Imagine that everytime you would compare things, you would be attacked by a bee (bi3)!

English word : Compare, to
Chinese pronunciation : bi3

Note: The English word "compare" would often be translated "bi3jiao4", but in a sentence like "this is better than that" one would use "bi3".

Thursday, July 13, 2006

When - Is The Question

Imagine if the only thing you could ask was when (wen4)!

English word : When
Chinese pronunciation : Wen4

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

White - Let Me Have It!

Imagine that everytime you see something white, you just have to buy (bai2) it!

English word : White
Chinese pronunciation : bai2.

Please, don't ignore the tones! The second tone should be applied on this word.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Cup - Containing a Bay

Imagine a cup so large that it could contain a whole bay (bei1)!

English Word : Cup
Mandarin Pronunciation : Bei1

Monday, July 03, 2006

Bathe - For All To See

Image that everytime you bathe, people come to see (xi3) you!

English word : to bathe
Chinese pronunciation : xi3 (somewhat like "see")

Note: The word xi3 also has the meaning of to wash sth.

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